I was very very emotional yesterday at Hrishikesh. I touched Ganga for the first time. I drank it by taking a few drops in my hand, and while in the boat, I poured it on my head with both hands.
We are steeped in the symbolism. Lord Ganesh’ broken tusk, General Motor’s corporate logo, “Hail to the victor’s” song of the University of Michigan, national anthem while waving national flag that I experienced just yesterday after Ganga aarti at the banks of Ganga and so on. There is no end to symbolism since ancient civilizations. I suspect that in most cases, we need symbols for non physical entities that we created or imagined, such as religions, corporations, nations, thoughts, principles, spirituality, values and many more (1).

So why was I emotional when I touched Ganga? Because Indian civilization thrived on the banks of Ganga, and hence, Ganga is a symbol of me, my family, parents, ancestors, all books that I have read, all the good and bad thoughts I have had, all the value systems I have been taught, my culture and upbringing, all the food I have tasted, all of my likings and dislikes, all my internal weaknesses and strengths, I can just go on and on. Essentially Ganga is my symbol, your symbol, and if Ganga represents rivers and their civilizations all over the world, then it is a symbol of everybody in the world.
What can I say? Finally, I met mother Ganga. She hugged me and she was happy to receive a couple of tears from her son.
(1) “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind”, Yuval Noah Harari (2015)
Nitin Dadhi Anturkar (October 2023)

A tears of joy experience! Pure immersion! Like the woods all around you on the Trail.
A lifetime experience !!
Excellent writing and nice Photos!
Namaskar Dadhi , to see your emotional with River Ganga. I had visited Ganga at Haridwar and Hrishikesh about 57 yrs back. It has very big surface and water is very cold . The force to water descended from Himalayas is tremendous. Just touch with feet gives feeling of cold force . We went in Har ki Paudi and temple , washed up and saw the temple from inside . On the banks people were doing last rights to their departed dear ones. It was touchy to see how persons were extracted money by telling odd stories even banks of holy Ganga mata .
Next morning was walk over Laxman Zoola and Geeta bhawan and rose garden . It was divine experience to be in the vicinity of , God and nature. . Have divine experience in Haridwar and Laxman zoola.
I have seen mother Ganga in different places and in different moods.
It originates in Himalay as a baby and as it travels down, it feels like a teenage girl meeting with its tributaries and gushing through rocks and slops of the mountains. In Rishikesh & Haridwar it looks like mother washing dirt (sins) of its children to make them clean and purified.
In Varanasi Ganga looks like a mature lady, flows with calm and in peace, here mother Ganga is “Mokshdayini”.
India and its culture is blessed with this great river.
It was years back that I had walked up to Gaumukh and Tapovan, and rafted in the Ganga taking uncountable dips and getting splashed when powering down rapids… but all through the youthful exuberance I was overwhelmingly aware of the cultural significance of the waters that I was bathing in. It is such a beautiful, indescribable emotion… which is why your short but beautifully written piece is so impactful.