(Correspondence is real, but all names are fictitious)
Somebody has left or exchanged these sandals at Dr Patil’s home after our committee meeting on November 20. They are with Jayesh now. Please contact him. – Ram

Most of you may not know what is happening. Yesterday, Narendra wore Amol’s shoes by mistake after the committee meeting and went away. Amol had to go home without shoes. Once everybody left, we finally found Narendra’s real shoes, which we took to our home.
With this background, please read below. – Jayesh
———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:23 AM
Subject: Missing shoes: Terrible situation
This is Jayesh. Shoe mystery is solved. Those shoes in photograph are Narendra’s shoes. They are with me. Narendra is carrying Amol’s shoes.
Now following development is expected in the future:
I (Jayesh) will drop off Narendra’s shoes at Amol’ home (thinking that Narendra will approach Amol). Meanwhile, Narendra will not be knowing it. He will drop off Amol’ shoes at my home. At that time, Narendra will NOT carry extra pair of shoes. (remember, he thinks that his shoes are with us!) But by that time, since Narendra’s shoes are already gone to Amol’ home, now Narendra would have gone back to his own home shoeless (and also clueless). But Anjali is a compassionate Chairwoman of the Committee. Besides, similar to other wives, own husband is the lowest priority for her. Naturally, she happily gives Jayesh’s pair of shoes to Narendra to wear. So now, Narendra has Jayesh’ shoes, Amol has Narendra’s shoes AND Jayesh has Amol’s shoes.
By this time, black Friday has arrived. Narendra is already feeling very very guilty that Amol is roaming around without shoes (Please note that being a gentleman that Amol is, he refuses to wear Narendra’s shoes). Knowing the announcements of all those Black Friday sales, Narendra goes to the Great Lakes Mall to buy new shoes for Amol as a Christmas gift. At the same time Amol is also realizing that life is painful without shoes. Seema (Amol’s wife) thinks that this is unnecessary extra cost. She thinks that after all, the shoes are at Jayesh’s home. She wants to minimize this expense, but still realizes that shoes are required for Amol. With this frustrating compulsion, she wakes up Amol at 1 am, gives him ginger-tea and sends him off to the Great Lakes Mall. Like all other married men, he had no choice but to listen to his wife.
Frozen almost to death, Amol and Narendra, both rush in two separate shoe shops and buy shoes. But afterwards, while walking in the mall, they see each other. They remember seeing each other in the Committee meeting. Narendra says, “Amol?”, Amol says “Narendra?” Similar to two separated “judwa” brothers in Bollywood movies, they start hugging each other with red, teary eyes. (Never mind, that eyes are red and teary because of sleepless night on Black Friday early morning rush). Narendra gives Amol Christmas gift. Amol also feels elated with Christmas spirit and his newly found brother in the middle of the Great Lakes Mall. He gives away the new shoes that he had bought for himself to Narendra as a Christmas gift. Both continued to have red, teary eyes.
Now both have new shoes. Narendra has given Amol a gift as per the plan. Amol had bought shoes for himself, but gave away as a gift to Narendra feeling emotional. On top of it, Narendra has Jayesh’s original shoes, Amol has Narendra’s original shoes AND Jayesh has Amol’s original shoes. Jayesh refuses to wear Amol’s shoes and is now shoeless.
Key question for the entire Committee is: Whom do you blame for Jayesh’s pathetic situation of not having shoes? Anjali, Amol, Narendra, Seema or Jayesh himself? – Jayesh
From: Amit
Date: Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:34 AM
Subject: Missing shoes: Terrible situation
Subject: Missing shoes: Terrible situation
Jayesh and other Committee members,
I am LMAO. Very very funny modern Cindrella story. 🙂
I can see the next pixar movie in the making already called “shoes” where a “boots” gets lost by it’s loving owner in the community function, then goes on whirlwind journey of self-realization while getting passed on from one well-meaning committee member to another.
Finally he finds temporary asylum in the home of King & Queen (ably played by the Committee members couple).. only to fall in love with princess’ glass slipper of a young princess in that home
And just as a budding romance will end in happily-ever-after feeling in the Bloomfield Hills in Michigan, hapless Amol find out about the missing buddy and takes him home while ripping apart the heart of glass slipper. And now comes the reverse Cinderella story. Glass Slipper goes looking for love of her life, after looking all over during the day of thanksgiving.. missing the feast.. only to find him in the Great lakes mall at the stroke of 12.. turning into the most handsome Nike Air Jordan’s there ever was!
Fireworks.. shoes raining from the sky and Boots and Glassy get hitched while their owners (Amol and Narendra) dance around to the Bollywood tune of “जुते दो, पैसे लो!” 🙂
LOL. Absolutely hilarious! हसून, हसून “shoe” zaali. – Giri
This is Flippin Hilarious, I agree with Giri! “Shoe” zaali.
BTW this should go in the First Entertainment program. I mean, it has to go!!!!!!
From: Anjali
Date: Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: Missing shoes: Terrible situation
Amit and Jayesh,
Take a bow, you guys are too amazing, how about we do an improve.
Having a rough day, but this email got to be ROFL. Such levity… priceless..
Take care.. Anjali
This is really the most creative group I have ever met… Hats off to all of you… You guy should write a play (not necessarily on this topic but I am sure with your talent you can do justice to any subject you touch) and we could all enact it out.
Amol says,
LOL! Great creativity! I am laughing throughout the day after reading this “developing” story and Giri’s comment (Hasun Hasun “shoe” zali). Still shoeless, I am planning to go the Great Lakes Mall on Black Friday. Hope to see “Judwa Bhai” there.
Amol (Shoewala)
Enjoy following Pune Pati on Jode kissa!!

From: Giri
Date: Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:20 PM
Subject: Just for laffs
Suggestion for the next meeting! – Giri